Studying Abroad

In the modern world, studying abroad has become very popular amongst teenagers and young adults. I believe attending school or university in a foreign country is a great chance, though not everyone is interested in doing so and that should be accepted as well.

When living in a foreign country for a few months, you will be interacting with many foreigners and therefore get to know their different culture. If you spend time in a country and talk a different language, your language skills will also improve.
Another plus point will be your personal development. Without family to help you, you will learn to be self organised. Studying abroad helps to gain independence from your parents and can even make you self sufficient. All that will make you grow up and become an adult.
Furthermore, at a foreign school or university, you will for sure make friends and get to know lots of people. Maybe, you will even make connections with people who will be helpful later on in your career.

All in all, studying abroad is a great opportunity to improve language skills, learn about a foreign culture, gain independence and make lots of friends. However, not everyone enjoys these things and definitely shouldn’t be forced to study abroad.

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