Freedom Of Speech


No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you are allowed to voice your opinion, whatever that may be. It’s everyone’s right to express their views orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art or through any other media of one’s choice. This is Freedom Of Speech And Expression. I ask myself now, am I really allowed to say whatever I want, whatever is on my mind?

Yes, it is legal for newspapers to write about political situations in whatever way they desire . Yes, on social media, noone is forced to hold back one’s opinion. Yes, I am allowed to stand in the city’s square and scream out my outlook on life. Will I though? Will everyone accept everyone’s point of view on social media? Will the local newspaper ever write badly about one particular political party? I think not. Freedom Of Speech might be legal on paper, but human beings have the actual freedom in their hands. It’s the laws that declare Freedom Of Speech, it’s the people that condemn it.

It would be socially unacceptable to tell Barbara that her dress looks aweful in front of the whole class. It would be socially unacceptable to stand on the beach in California and let everyone know you support Donald Trump. It would be socially unacceptable to advise a student to leave school because you’ve noticed how hard classes are for him.
I am allowed, but wouldn’t do any of those things. Either because I do not want to hurt a person’s feelings or because I’m scared of how others would react. I do not criticise the idea of Freedom Of Speech, but the false belief it would actually work. It can’t, it cannot work. Noone with a hint of social knowledge will do such a thing as tell the truth, their opinion, especially if the truth could hurt not only someone else, but your own social status.

For me, the term “Freedom of speech and expression” is just another way of being politically correct. The law states that everyone is allowed to express their feelings without being judged, so ultimately that’s exactly what’s going on. Even if it’s not at all. It says so on paper, doesn’t matter what’s happening in actual daily life. I cannot hope for change, since change is in the hands of human beings, and the human race is what put us in such a situation. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell Barbara that I don’t like her dress without having to use phrases like “It’s just my opinion, don’t be mad at me” or “good for you if you like it, you do you” to make it less hurtful, even though it is indeed just my opinion.

Addendum: Religion and sexuality are two topics that have become less and less talked about in public, should they get a waver? I don’t think religion, sexuality or even race should be excluded from Freedom of Speech. There should be, and in Austria there is, a law forbidding false accusations, especially if they are simply based on religion, race or sexuality, but whatever wants and needs to be said, should be.

Speaking of Austria, in our country Freedom Of Speech is a basic rule, I’m not sure how well it is practiced though. I, for example, have indeed held back comments knowing they would lead to nothing and would just make me less popular with fellow classmates. I have been in situations where I’ve said my opinion out loud, and had not thought my actions through, resulting in accusations of being mean and socially incompetent. I don’t have anything to say about the political side of Freedom of Speech in Austria, I just know, that being a Trump supporter for example, wouldn’t have made me any more popular. (And to be correct, but not at all scared of any consequences : I do not support Donald Trump)

The point is, I don’t think Freedom Of Speech will ever turn out to be the way it’s supposed to be : Everyone can say whatever they want and noone will be offended by their comment, but will only learn from it. A good friend of mine once ranted on about how everyone should be aloud to say whatever they desire, and if people don’t like that, then they should just “bury themselves”. Unfortunately, that’s not how the world works.

6 thoughts on “Freedom Of Speech

  1. You have taken this topic as part of your everyday life. I disagree with your statement about the decrease of the issues of religion and sexuality/gender in public discourse, but I can see how these two topics are far from your line of argument.

    You are saying that being accepted and popular while refraining from making people uncomfortable is what makes society work. It is how you try to live your life in order to gain friends and status. You chose to be honest and voice your opinion which I respect. I do belive, however that hiding in the flock works only for so long and that popularity and security in consensus loose importance when you get older.

    Society needs opinionated people coming from different perspectives to have any kind of meaningful discourse. If everybody is concerned with being friendly and considerate at all times, I believe we’ll arrive at a standstill pretty soon. This does not mean that we have to be provocative at all costs, but challenging the status quo, being able and quick-witted enough to criticise what is considered popular opinion should be encouraged. and furthered.

    I like to think that I’d rather be told the ugly truth than live in a comfy bubble of an self-adulating delusion.

    In your text you talk about people’s reactions to your actions. What if you’re on the receiving end, though? Would you rather I tell you about your honest potential in English, your strengths and weaknesses – at the danger of upsetting you – and potentially saving you from a wrong perception, or would you prefer I constantly told you exactly what you want to hear? In your words – wouldn’t you rather want to know your jacket is ugly?

    • First of all, I would just like you to know, that this is about 300-400 words, not more. There’s a lot else I’d have to say, the word frame didn’t really allow that.
      I definitely think you’re right about how it’s hard and becomes less and less important to be polite and never tell the truth, especially during adulthood. I do believe that society needs discourse and arguments, these, though, only work with certain kinds of people. I’m one of those that would really like you to tell me what I do wrong, and how I can improve, or, whether or not you like my jacket. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks that way, and not everyone will be smart enough to be capable of receiving advice and criticism. The things you’ve mentioned- I’ve thought about those before, it’s not easy to take everything in consideration, and to mention everything in a text. I understand your point of view, and I support it, but I do have other viewpoints that I talked about in my text. I think Freedom Of Speech is incredibly important-the law should never be erased. But I don’t think it will ever be fully and whole-heartedly practiced.

      • I believe that everybody in this world you ask will claim to be in favor of being criticized rather than being left in unconsciousness, however many of them won’t be able to cope with the mentioned issues. Out of my own experience I can prove, that either changing the opinion of your opponent or accepting what you’re told and trying to change your behavior according to that will make life easier. Through that way you encourage your social connections and at the same time gain some people to trust and to be able to talk with freely – a win-win situation for you and everybody affected. Despite the whole world thinking that living according to a model like this won’t work, I am persuaded that somebody will have to make the first step to at least improve our situation and that should simply be us!

  2. I agree with you in the sense that freedom of speech isn`t practiced, because that has been the norm for ages, but shouldn`t we rather ask : Why ? Why do we scold people for voicing their (probably) honest opinion, whilst we ourselves are angered if somebody tells us to shut up? The real problem is that society itself stands upon hypocrisy: You´re free to write what you want, but you cant write that. You´re free to voice your opinion´whatever it may be, but you can´t offend anyone. What do you reckon can be done to comabt said hypocrisy ?

  3. I really enjoyed reading your blog. I would love to hear more from you depending freedom of speech. I do also believe that society needs discourse and arguments, these, though, only work with certain kinds of people. Really good job. Thank you for your text. Do you think it is perfect how freedom of speech works in Austria compared to other countries?

  4. I really enjoyed reading your text, probably because I totally agree with you. Expressing your opinion may be legal but in society difficult. In order not to offend or hurt anybody people are retaining their thoughts and what is on their mind. I also agree if you are saying that it will never be possible to live in a society where everyone can say anything, be it about political themes or interests, or just in daily life, such as your example with Barbara’ s outfit. What are your ideas on how to let society improve and by so providing a community in which telling the honest opinion about an outfit or just a behaviour in general are tolerated and not followed by offence?

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