
Many Teenagers do not help their parents with housework at all. In other cases teens help a lot at home and some assist their parents every now and then. Should teenagers share housework equally with their parents?
Every family is different. Usually mums stay at home and deal with the housework, but these days many mums are kept busy by a full-time job and do not have enough time for cleaning and cooking, like in my family. My mum is a full-time nurse and often comes home later than 8 pm, which means that my father and I usually cook and do the washing up (loading and unloading the dishwasher). Cooking is really fun and has never been done by mum. I have been helping my father in the kitchen since I was a little kid and mum always has been cleaning up afterwards so both my dad and I are always trying to keep the mess we make as small as possible.
Some teenagers are very busy with school or other activities like football, volleyball or an instrument they play and do not have any time to help their mum and dad. Others might have the time but not the will and aren’t forced by their parents to at least help a little.
My family manages the housework well and tries to divide it up equally, but sometimes this can be hard because my dad and I are crap at doing most housework.
My mum is definitely better than me with housework, except for cooking. She tries to keep the house clean, washes our clothes, irons them as well and we do not have a cleaning lady coming over regularly like many families do. I could never handle the household better than my mum, which is the case for most teenagers. I don’t think many of us know how to handle a washing machine or properly clean the house (yet).

Teenagers should definitely help their parents with the housework. Easy things like unloading the dishwasher or cleaning their own room should be done by every teen. Wether the housework is shared equally or not is a decision made by their parents. In the end they decide if their children have to help them a lot, not at all or only sometimes.

4 thoughts on “Housework

  1. This was a nice essay. It contained all the information we discussed in our english lession last time and you summarized it very well while describing you situation at home too. The text was a little long though- over 300 words. Additionally I totally agree with your statements and that it is important for teenagers to also work at home. Have a nice evening, Fanni:)

    • Yes, I know I write to much 🙁 it’s horrible but I just can’t stop myself:(
      Thanks for reading my essay, Fanni! 😀

  2. Hi Kerrin,
    I found your essay very informative however would you say that doing housework is necessary for the development of a teenager to adult? And why/why not?

    • Thanks for reading my essay, Noah!
      Yes, I do think it’s essiantial for teenagers to help at home, at least a little bit. Later on at at least one point in their life a teen or then adult will be alone and will have to be able to turn on a washing machine or cook themselves dinner, unless of course he or she will stay in ‘Hotel Mum’ for the rest of their life or will always have an assistent or something like that. That’s why I love cooking so much!
      I know I will be able to cook for myself, and not only scrambled eggs everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do you?

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